Villey le sec
Bienvenue chez les Trabecs


Legal Notices

par Mairie

Legal Notices

This is an English translation for information purposes only.

This website, accessible via the URL[s] [, et] (the « Website& »), is provided by the Municipality of Villey le sec, located at 2 place de l’église, 54840 Villey le sec, France (Tél. : +33 (0)3 83 63 60 83, Fax : +33 (0)3 83 63 62 36, email : (the « Municipality »)

<The Editor of this WebSite is the Municipality

Web Host
The Website is hosted by Netfis
2 rue de la Plaine 54320 MAXÉVILLE - France
Tél. : +33 (0)3 83 27 29 00


Agence Web et Communication à Nancy (Lorraine)

This Website is published on Spip platform


Système de publication pour l’Internet, logiciel libre sous licence GNU/GPL.

Version : 4.3.3

We thank the users of this Website for informing us of any omissions, errors or corrections, by sending an email to the site manager.

Privacy Policy
In accordance with the French Data Protection Law of 6 January 1978 (as amended) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016 (the “GDPR”), we hereby inform you that the Municipality is the sole recipient of the information and personal data submitted via this website, and such information and data shall not be transferred to persons outside the firm.

The personal data is collected for specific purposes, and the persons concerned (referred to as data subjects) are informed of those purposes. This data may not be subsequently used in a manner which is contrary to those purposes. This data is collected in a transparent manner ; no data is collected covertly or without the data subjects having been informed that data is being collected.

The data requested is optional when such data is not necessary in order for us to respond to a request for information or services or, more generally, to perform an obligation.
Depending on the services you would like to request, you will be asked to provide certain information which may be mandatory and/or optional. We undertake to respect your right to privacy and to protect the information you provide to us. We will only retain the information collected for as long as is necessary to process your requests and/or to perform the services requested in accordance with the regulations in force.

We have taken security measures at a technical, as well as at an organisational level, to protect the data collected from opportunistic or intentional improper use and from data loss or destruction, and to prevent it from being accessed by unauthorised persons.
We also require that all of our third-party providers supply appropriate guarantees to ensure personal data remains secure and confidential.

Your rights :
You have the right to access, rectify, obtain a copy of and transfer, and erase your personal data, to limit or oppose the processing of your personal data, and to state what you would like to happen to your personal data when you die. You may exercise these rights at any time by contacting us at the following addresses :

Your data provided via this website is collected mainly for the following purposes :

  • information requests
  • access statistics

For security reasons and to avoid any wrongful or fraudulent requests, all requests must be accompanied by a photocopy of signed identity papers, which will be used solely for the purposes of processing the request and will be deleted immediately after such processing has been completed.
The information collected will not be disclosed to third parties, except in the case of established breach of legal or regulatory provisions, in which case this information may be disclosed if expressly requested by judicial authorities and they give the reasons for such request.

In view of changing laws and regulations, we will be regularly updating this privacy policy to ensure your data is protected.

Terms of Use

These terms of use govern the use of this website and its services.
The terms of use applicable are those in force at the time of connection to the website. We reserve the right to amend, at any time and without notice, these terms of use.
By using and viewing this website, as user, you accept to be bound by and comply with these terms of use that you acknowledge you have read, understood and accepted in their entirety.
If you do not accept these terms of use, please do not view the website or download any of its content.

Article 1 - Access to the website
Accessing and using the website must be for strictly personal use only. You undertake not to use this website and the information or data displayed on it for commercial, political or advertising purposes or for any form of sales canvassing and notably for sending unsolicited emails.

Article 2 - Website content
All the content which constitutes this website (text, photographs, illustrations, logos, icons, downloadable files, video or audio clips, etc.) is owned exclusively by the Municipality and is, as the case may be, protected by French legal and international treaty provisions relating to intellectual property.
Any presentation and/or reproduction and/or exploitation, in part or in whole, of the content and services proposed on this website, by any process whatsoever, without the prior written consent of the Municipality is strictly prohibited and may constitute an infringement of copyright within the meaning of articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. In particular, no page from this website may be reproduced on a web page not belonging to the Municipality.
Likewise, the inclusion on other websites of any links to pages other than the home page of this website requires the express prior written consent of the Municipality. The information available on this website is not contractually binding and may be amended without notice.
The databases on this website are notably protected by articles L. 341-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code, particularly as regards extraction or reproduction, to a material qualititative or quantitative extent, of their content.
The trademarks and logos on the website are marks which have been registered by the Municipality or by third parties. Any reproduction, copying or use, in whole or in part, of these marks without express authorisation, in breach of articles L. 713-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code, may result in legal action being taken.
Other marks, notably company names, trade names and domain names, reproduced on the website are owned by the Municipality or by third parties. Any reproduction without express authorisation may constitute illegal use and the person committing such act may be held liable on the grounds of article 1240 of the French Civil Code.

Article 3 - Website management
To ensure the website functions properly, the Municipality may at any time :
suspend, stop or limit access to the whole or part of the website, reserve access to the website, or to certain parts of the website, for a specific category of user ; delete any information which could cause disruption to the website or which is contrary to national or international laws, or to the rules of netiquette ; take the website offline in order to update content.

Article 4 - Liability
The Municipality shall not be held directly or indirectly liable in any respect whatsoever and on any grounds whatsoever concerning, in particular :

  • inefficient functioning of the website ;
  • loss of data or services resulting from deadlines not being met, or resulting from altering, suspending or stopping the website’s services ;
  • the accuracy, the quality or the nature of the information obtained through its services ;
  • the direct or indirect consequences of transmitting a virus via its servers ;
  • the website being taken offline for maintenance or because of users’ behaviour ;
  • access to the website being denied ;
  • contamination of users’ computers as a result of the propagation of a virus or other type of malware.

As user of the website, it is your responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect your own data and/or software from contamination from potential viruses circulating on the Internet.
The Municipality shall not be held liable either for any direct or indirect loss or damage which may arise from the use of the website or on the contrary inability to access the website, following wrongful use of the website by the user. The information provided is not contractually binding.
The website may contain links to other websites not managed and/or published by the Municipality. The Municipality has no control whatsoever over the information, products or services proposed by these other websites and shall on no account be held liable for the content of such websites.
You undertake to indemnify and hold harmless the Municipality against any actions for damages, any claims, losses, costs, lost profit, loss of data, and any other direct or indirect damage or loss resulting from your failure to comply with any of the provisions of these terms of use.

Article 5 - Links
Setting up links to the whole or parts of this website is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Municipality. Requests for consent should be sent to the following address :

The Municipality is free to refuse to grant this consent and does not have to give the reasons for doing so. If consent is granted by the Municipality, such consent shall in any event be only temporary and may be withdrawn at any time, without the Municipality having to give reasons for the decision to withdraw consent.
In any event, any link must be removed if the website publisher so requests. The website publisher has no control over the information accessible via a link to other websites and shall not be held liable as regards the content of these other websites.

Article 6 - Governing law
These terms of use of the website are governed by French law and the courts of Paris shall have jurisdiction to hear any related dispute.
In the event that any provision of these terms of use were to be declared invalid or unenforceable, such provision must be interpreted in a manner reflecting as closely as possible the intentions of the parties, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

If the Municipality does not implement or fails to state its intention to implement any of the provisions of these terms of use or of any right, this shall on no account be interpreted as a waiver by the Municipality of such provision or such right.

Article 7 - Contact us
If you have any questions on the information presented on the website, or concerning the website itself, please send an email to :